Whats the big deal?
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This is a rediculous treatment for a child. I could never find rightousness is what the Dr’s have done to Ashley. I think no one can.

I totaly agree that this is a n outrage for medical science to try and work this out to the benefits of the parents. Especailly when they are unsure of what actually caused this issue to start with. Yet the only agruement I have for this is, I am not the parent of this child. I have no clue of what it would be like to try and provide for her. Then to think of how hard and costly it might be to try and provide for her when she becomes more developed, and grown. I can see some of the reasoning for what the parents want and what they are trying to do for an easier life with Ashley. But, If I were a parent I do not think I could allow for my child to be dragged through med processes just to make life a little easier for myself.


Static Encaphalopathy seems to be a major concern when it comes to brain damaged infants. This is a serve issue that can raises a lot of eye brows when it comes to realizing an infant has brain damage. But in this paper it states that ” the leading cause of disibilities characterized by static encephalopathy  is consumption of alcohol (by mother) during pregnancy. Or any kind of damage to the brain.

If I were to write a blog about Ashley X, I would certainly mention the fact of static encephalopathy and hint that it could infact be part of the problem or maybe the problem itself.  Also the fact that there are treatments for some cases of this illness. I would also recommend maybe trying some. But, Im not a doctor and Im sure they have already tried. Unfotunately for poor Ashley its a miracle waiting game. Hopefully the miracle comes.


What is your topic? :  Why are certain healthcare insurance providers accepted by certain healthcare institutions while others wont accept the same healthcare insurance?

What interest you in this topic? Why did you choose it?: I am going to work in a hospital for a living and I do not think it is fair that America’s Healthcare has set a limit to who can use what hospital and have it covered under their healthcare insurance.

Why does your topic matter? Why should other people care about it?: Everyone needs some kind of healthcare in their life. (Ex. Surgery- Home health.) Its a growing concern to not only the people who have it but also the huge proportion of society that does not have it or cant afford it.

How can you qualify (limit) your topic?: I can limit my topic by only discussing about the actual healthcare issue and not what kind of healthcare is being privided to each individual or groups of people.

Can you limit your topic by geographing or location? Yes I can limit my topic to Mainly the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex only.

By time?: How has ceratain healthcare insurance only been accepted by certain hopsitals and healthcare providers.

By specific groups affectred?: I think everyone is affected by this due to what insurance provider they have or if they have any at all.

What other questions can you think of?: None at this time but I am thinking. 


I want to write a Healthcare insurance and why our care providers only take a select few care providers and other institutions dont. I think my topic is pretty narrow and I would also like to find out more information about this subject. A lot of healthcare providers say they cannot use certain healthcare due to and individuals insurance not being able to cover the expenses accumulated.  


Cultural differences are what the American society is based on. Unfortunately individuals still create conflicts with those of different ethnicities and race.

A culture is the intergrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior the depends upon man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. ( Thanks Webster), But, in laymens terms the economic, educational and social development and comunication within a ceratin group of people.

Everyone belings to a culture. You may not realize it but everyone has a background that came from some type of culture or many cultures. I belong to two different cultures one from a Scottish descent and the other Venesualan. My Scottish culture consist of the history of my families home land the way they developed over the years. I beling to this culture not only through blod line but the individuals in my family and the things I have been tuaght by them.

I would like to learn more about the Russian, Greek, Italian, Japanese and Swiss cultures. The most important would be Greek, followed by Russian, Italian, Japanese and the Swiss.

The Russian culture I know almost nothing about besides of their military background and alcohol. The Greek culture I know of but want to learn more because my step mother is Greek and I have also been there. The Italian culture has always fascinated me but not as much as the other two and I know a small amount of their ancient history and culture. Japanese culture I have also seen first hand and I would like to learn more. The Swiss culture I know nothing about and have always wanted to visit.


Same sex couples in todays society is beginning to be a common thing. There are many things I think play the roll in the switching of ones sexuality preference to another. I find nothing wrong with that in most situations and I think that homosexuality is fine as long as its not blown out of proportions.

Many people or couples that you find in todays world that say they are gay are usually younger. Well atleast the ones I have encountered and conversed with. I have known of a few older same sex couple. But usually the older couples arent out flaunting the fact that they are gay. They keep it to themselves and dont worry about the rest of the of the world, opposed to younger people.

Younger gay couples (not gay as in happy) usually want to flaunt the fact that they are gay, as to almost announce it to the world is seems like. Im not sure if this is becasue they are young and like every young person they want to be heard and express tothe world what they know or they think they know. So its a little hard to judge people whole heartedly and to make comments on them when most people base theri opinions off the first impressions they get.

One major issue that people have is gay couples with children. Well, this situation is a thin rope and its easy to fall to either side. Most people are usually to for or against. My opinion is that it depends onthe gender of the child and the gender of the parents. I have witnessed some parents who have raised people and usually they have turned out gay. I have also witnessed a person who was raised by his family of all females because the father figure left (this happens everyday in theis society). But he turned out to show more femanine representations than male. SO those who say haveing same sex parents do not matter I believe actaully do. So I think the gender rolls with children to play a part in the parenting of the children.


Youtube is no genious, just lucky!

Apparently the web file sharing website Youtube has been in and out of trouble for copyright laws for some time now. Coporations and private individuals have been trying to sue Youtube for copyright infringement. The problem being put forth is that Youtube is allowing people to be able to view and listen to music while watching the music videos and downlading clips of music or videos and some, personal home made videos without consent from the maker or makers.

Well Youtube was lucky due to the fact that Napster had already been sued for this same thing and that they snuck by through the back door of some laws and were able to get away with what they do. Thats the lucky part.

Now the stupidity of Youtube is even better due to the fact that videos are being shown and music is still being hosted that has been allowed by the owners as long as they have the knowledge of its intended use. So this gets the publicity and a greater advantage of getting money due to sells. But on the other hand Youtube is creating a giant problem for themselves.

When someone puts out a new video or music and Youtube wants to put it on their site. They dont know who is actually putting it on there. I could give them a fake password and name and say this is me and this is what I want. Well hey, it happens all the time. So other than this fact I can’t say anything bad about this situation. I think they got luck and are thankfull that they aren’t sleeping out on a street somewhere. Or sleeping with the Enron executives.

For the last part which is ust total self comment. If you ar ea big time star, or celebrity. What the hell do you expect? America, especially in todays society (where you can get awya with just about anything and not get in trouble), people are going to find a way to get your stuff for free. All it takes is a little effort and a little time. So good luck on trying to sue Youtube or any other file sharing internet programs.


There has been a fight for the legalization of marijuana starting back in the early to mid 1960’s. It is nothing new for decades paople have been complaining that its would be a great cash crop, that it is fair that people who are hurting physically can get marijuana fromt he hospital for use. They have also even tried to get it legalized in the new century and its only been around for 7 years so far.

Well for those who are trying to get marijuana legalized for anyone over the age of 21 to smoke it whenever they want are trying to say it would make a great cash crop. I don’t really see these people as actually trying to make this into a stock rising capital. Just a little back yard fund. Yet at the same time the government would have to take over this wave of new cash crop because the people growing it in their back yards for profit would probably put them into a higher pay scale without being taxed for it. So whats the use in trying to say it would be a great income for the government?

Ok so yeah people get to smoke marijuana if they have medical reason. Thats great theres nothing wrong with that. So people who use this excuse to try and sya that its not fair is rediculous. Thats like me starting a complaint because old people get to walk around wiht O2 tanks. Hey, guess what! Pure Oxygen gets you high and accutes your senses at the same time. But, I dont hear anyone crying about that. SO if your a pot smoker and you really want to try and find a good arguement. Try another becasue these two won’t get ya far. DERRRR!


The most difficult writing assignment I have ever been tasked with was a visual analysis over the album cover of Green Day’s 2004 CD American Idiot. The choice to me seemed worthy of a my depiction, but little did I know that I was in for more than I wanted. The CD cover had a simple lay out to form my perspective. I tried to descibe everything I could while trying to keep in mind that other people have different opinions and that maybe theres would be more plausible. While drifting off track to find out what others were thinking I led myself astray from the fact theat the paper was based of of my opinion in the first place. So this paper not only posed a great threat to my grade point average and my pride, but also allowed myself to recieve a few headaches in the process. This assignment greatly improved my thinking skills as a writer and also improved my vocabulary and organization skills.