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Archive for April 2007

What I learned about essay exam questions.

April 24, 2007

I have learned that it is hard to take or give an opinion about an essay exam if you dont go to class and pay attention to the material and keep up with the reading. Not all stratagies are useful during a test. In exam test you have nothing to rely on except your own […]


April 24, 2007

Synthesize- combination of parts into whole Analyze- take apart and examine individually  Explain- to make known in detail Relate- to tell, give an account Interpret- provide a meaning

Essay Exams

April 24, 2007

I like to write essay exams because it allows me to speak freely to explain what my answers and thoughts are. Writing essays allows me to express exaclty what I am trying to explain if i can not give the correct answer. Thats really the only reason I like writing them. On the other hand I hate […]

Stand-Up for Your Country and Yourself: A US Sailors view.

April 16, 2007

I was a United States Sailor from Aug 2002 to Aug 2006. I loved every minute of it. I was part of three operations and saw my fair share. The issue I want to address is why we are still there. Iraq is a sand box filled with nothing. They have a culture there has […]


April 10, 2007

Would it benefit United States citizens to pay for universal healthcare instead of individual health insurance providers? I think it would benefit most the population in America to pay for a universal healthcare plan from taxes. This would eliminate the the need for individual healthcare providers and the hassels that come along with them. This […]