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Research Prospectus

Overiew of the argument:

    What issue are you examining and why is this issue important to you?

      I am examining the issue of Universal Healthcare in the US vs. independent healthcare from different providers. Individuals in the US government along with people in the civilian world are trying to make it a right for every American to have the same healthcare as anyone else in America.

     How recent is this argument?

       This argument is up to date and has been a controversy for the last few decades. The dwendling healthcare in America and the outrageous prices charged have been a conflict brought up for years, while other country’s around the world have a nation wide, equal halthcare plan that all citizens of that county are able to use.

     How easily can you find the materialsneeded for the research?

       It is not an easy task to find information on this subject. It is easy to find the same information on this subject in different articles. But to find a counter argument is hard to find. The pros are listed and there are many, but, the cons are few. The news article and scholarly articles I have found quite easily. The book on the other hand is not easy to find and I am still searching for it.

Summary of the pro side of the argument:

    For those on the pro side, what arguments do they use (why should you be “for” this)?

Some pro’s for this argument would be that universal healthcare would be cheaper than todays individual healthcare. Studies revealed that on universal healthcare patients recieved more doctors visits and hospital days compared to the US. Healthcare is directly linked to wealth and race. Instead of individuals paying for healthcare the government would collect taxes and use that to pay for health coverage. Doctors’ offices would be relieved of the hassels of dealing with so many different healthcare providers. These are all great examples towhy we as a country should switch to a Universal healthcare instead of using different providers. This way everyone can get equal rights and opportunities to recieve health aid.

Summary of the con side of the argument:

Why should you be “against” the argument? What does the research say.

     The average of individuals who make $20,000 a year or less only 69% are insured. Those who make less than $50,000 a year only 71% are insured and those who make over $50,000 a year only 90% are insured. This leaves a huge amount of Americans that do not have insurance whether they are young or old. The only counter balance to these percentages is the satisfactory of those who an afford or who have insurance. Across the nation 45 million people are without insurance and it is still rising. 54% of Americans are dissatisfied with healthcare coverage. 29% say their insurer has refused to pay all or even half of the aid recieved by individuals. US ranks 23rd in infant mortality down from 12 in 1960 and 21 in 1990. US ranks 20th in life expectancy for women, down form 1st in 1945 and 13th in 1960.US ranks between 50th and 100th (depending on which immunization) in shots. Overall it is 67th, right behind Botswana. These are just some of the cons that plague our country’s medical centers. With this poor kind of health coverage we need to find and recieve a equal healthcare for all US citizens. This research is telling us that we need to change the way our country provides healthcare to its citizens.

Position you intend to take:

      Are you pro or con? Why?

       The position I intend to take on this subject is definately pro. I am for the us needing greater healthcare coverage. Hospitals see individuals everyday who cannot recieve care because they cannot pay for it or they do not have insurance.  Doctors’ offices and clinics also see the same thing have to wind of turnign more patients that are in need away than hospitals.

What have you learned in your research so far?

     I have learned a great deal from my research. I already knew of the healthcare and medicare problems for healthcare coverage. What I did not know was of the staggering statistics of those who in America do not have healthcare coverage and the plans trying to be enforced to end the suffering and to aid those who need medical attention. I have some supportive arguments. But the supportive arguments I have found discuss a lot and cover most of what healthcare issues I am reviewing. I have found few counter arguments but the main two that stand out can play a huge roll in my paper.

What I still need to find in my research?

I need to find a more in depth description of exactly what the Universal Healthcare plan is (if there is one) and the I also need to found more sound and indepth pros and cons so that I can create a better argument. I have a huge amount of statistics. Testimonies form individuals would help out greatly. Its hard to find tha many testimonials from scholarly indivdauls opposed to those who just blog information. I might interview a few doctors that I know to find out what they think of this healthcare issue.

What is your timeline?

At the end of this week I am pressing to interview a few of the doctors I know. I want to have a rough draft completed by Mondayor Tuesday of next week. Outline finished by Sunday of this week.  My research should be final and completed by Sunday or Monday. I plan to revise and pay a visit to the Write Site  by next Wednesday.

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