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Same sex couples in todays society is beginning to be a common thing. There are many things I think play the roll in the switching of ones sexuality preference to another. I find nothing wrong with that in most situations and I think that homosexuality is fine as long as its not blown out of proportions.

Many people or couples that you find in todays world that say they are gay are usually younger. Well atleast the ones I have encountered and conversed with. I have known of a few older same sex couple. But usually the older couples arent out flaunting the fact that they are gay. They keep it to themselves and dont worry about the rest of the of the world, opposed to younger people.

Younger gay couples (not gay as in happy) usually want to flaunt the fact that they are gay, as to almost announce it to the world is seems like. Im not sure if this is becasue they are young and like every young person they want to be heard and express tothe world what they know or they think they know. So its a little hard to judge people whole heartedly and to make comments on them when most people base theri opinions off the first impressions they get.

One major issue that people have is gay couples with children. Well, this situation is a thin rope and its easy to fall to either side. Most people are usually to for or against. My opinion is that it depends onthe gender of the child and the gender of the parents. I have witnessed some parents who have raised people and usually they have turned out gay. I have also witnessed a person who was raised by his family of all females because the father figure left (this happens everyday in theis society). But he turned out to show more femanine representations than male. SO those who say haveing same sex parents do not matter I believe actaully do. So I think the gender rolls with children to play a part in the parenting of the children.

One Response to “Homosexuality”

  1. Okay, it looked like you needed a comment on here so i’m giving you one!

    First of all, I liked reading your first paragraph because i’m glad at least someone around here, besides me, isn’t hating on bi/gay people. Back home I had a couple of friends who were bi/gay and nobody made a big deal of it there, but when I moved here to Denton, a few of the friends I made here said rude PREJUDICE comments about them. It made me feel bad because I couldn’t stick up for what I felt; I didn’t really haven’t a problem with gays (I mean, I had friends who were gay so homosexuality isn’t a big deal to me).
    I think it’s funny how all of a sudden when the whole “emo” thing became popular all of these bi/gay kids started coming out….CRAZY!!

    Well, now you can’t say that nobody gave you a comment!


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