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Legalizing Marijuana

There has been a fight for the legalization of marijuana starting back in the early to mid 1960’s. It is nothing new for decades paople have been complaining that its would be a great cash crop, that it is fair that people who are hurting physically can get marijuana fromt he hospital for use. They have also even tried to get it legalized in the new century and its only been around for 7 years so far.

Well for those who are trying to get marijuana legalized for anyone over the age of 21 to smoke it whenever they want are trying to say it would make a great cash crop. I don’t really see these people as actually trying to make this into a stock rising capital. Just a little back yard fund. Yet at the same time the government would have to take over this wave of new cash crop because the people growing it in their back yards for profit would probably put them into a higher pay scale without being taxed for it. So whats the use in trying to say it would be a great income for the government?

Ok so yeah people get to smoke marijuana if they have medical reason. Thats great theres nothing wrong with that. So people who use this excuse to try and sya that its not fair is rediculous. Thats like me starting a complaint because old people get to walk around wiht O2 tanks. Hey, guess what! Pure Oxygen gets you high and accutes your senses at the same time. But, I dont hear anyone crying about that. SO if your a pot smoker and you really want to try and find a good arguement. Try another becasue these two won’t get ya far. DERRRR!

2 Responses to “Legalizing Marijuana”

  1. Great points! I’m wondering how long it will be before somebody does make the argument that O2 tanks should be banned or legalized for everybody!

  2. Somewhat true, but we are those wanting to legalize marijuana aren’t talking about old people and their oxygen tanks

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